Sunday, May 7, 2023

[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Manga (Sakura Manga Contest) Berhadiah Trip ke Tokyo
[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Manga (Sakura Manga Contest) Berhadiah Trip ke Tokyo

[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Manga (Sakura Manga Contest) Berhadiah Trip ke Tokyo


Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb

“Salam Sehat, Bahagia and Sukses Selalu”

Semoga kesuksesan dan kesehatan selalu ada pada diri kita para pejuang prestasi dimanapun berada. Tentu semangat prestasi dan kesehatan masih terjaga bukan?

Kali ini lomba yang akan mimin infokan adalah [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Manga (Sakura Manga Contest) Berhadiah Trip ke Tokyo


Dan ini Khusus Untuk Kalian nie gaezz:

[Update] Info Lomba Nasional-Internasional 2023/2024

Follow juga ig untuk selalu mendapatkan Update info lomba Gratis Bergengsi dan Quotes Motivasi Prestasi setiap hari.

Win a trip to Tokyo

Like the brand Sakura, the popular drawing technique manga was founded in Japan. The long history of manga is deeply rooted in Japanese art, it is believed that the first traces of manga date back to the 12th and 13th century! In Japan, manga refers to comic books and the recognizable style of manga is not just popular in Japan, but all over the world.


To celebrate this fascinating Japanese tradition, we are hosting a manga competition in which you can win a trip to Tokyo in 2024! Or you could be one of the lucky contestants to win one of the great prize packages for the second and third prize. Curious about how to enter? Read on.





The Japanese phenomena manga is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. We want to challenge you creatively to make manga art with the colouring and writing materials from Sakura. Thereby combining the rich tradition of manga with the highest possible quality from our Sakura products.

Ketentuan Karya:

Karya orisinil peserta sesuai tema, dan tidak terkait dengan pihak manapun, bernilai positif dan tidak mengandung unsur SARA, Pornografi, Kekerasan berlebih dan tidak melanggar hukum.

How to enter

Create a work of art in manga style using your favourite Sakura products.

Finished? Share it on Facebook or Instagram:

1.    Tag @sakura_europe in the description.

2.    Use the hashtag #sakuramangacontest.

3.    Name the products that you have used (#pigmamicron, #gellyroll, #pentouch, #koiwatercolors, etc).

4.    Tell us where you live (#Spain, #UK, etc) and what the inspiration was for your work of art!

5.    Please also send your photo with your name and address to (file size max. 10mb).

There is no limit to the number of entries you may submit per person. The call to participate in the contest is from February 1st 2023 until May 31th 2023!

Need inspiration? Follow Sakura on Facebook and Instagram for creative tutorials, unique products in the spotlight and great collaborations with ambassadors.

View the terms and conditions of this contest here. Of course, we will take into account any (travel) restrictions that may still affect the grand prize in this competition in 2024. Read all about this in the contest terms and conditions.


Adapun detail ketentuan karya silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah sumber utama di akhir artikel ini.




31 Mey 2023


Hadiah dan Penghargaan

Adapun hadiah dan penghargaan dalam [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Manga (Sakura Manga Contest) Berhadiah Trip ke Tokyo adalah sebagai berikut:

“Win a trip to Tokyo”

The winners of the prize packages, worth €250 (second prize) and €150 (third prize), as well as the grand prize winner of the Tokyo trip, will be announced in the first week of June 2023. Keep an eye on us on Facebook and Instagram for the results and inspiration!

So, segera persiapkan karya terbaikmu yakkk!


“Teruslah Berkreasi, Berinovasi dan Berprestasi untuk Menginspirasi.” --- Mimin


Laman sendiri bukanlah penyelenggara dalam kegiatan ini, namun hanya bersifat menginformasikan event. Untuk mendapatkan informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan ini silakan pelajari dari sumber dan web resmi penyelenggara.

Untuk registrasi dan info lebih lengkapnya silakan kunjungi link berikut:  


Yuppp, semangat berprestasi ya, semoga keberuntungan ada pada kita semua.


Demikian [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Manga (Sakura Manga Contest) Berhadiah Trip ke Tokyo mimin sampaikan semoga bermanfaat.



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Follow juga ig untuk selalu mendapatkan Update info lomba Gratis Bergengsi dan Quotes Motivasi Prestasi setiap hari.

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