Tuesday, December 6, 2022

[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun Internasional: The 6th Gold Panda International Cartoon And Illustration Competition

[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun Internasional: The 6th Gold Panda International Cartoon And Illustration Competition

[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun Internasional: The 6th Gold Panda International Cartoon And Illustration Competition


Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

“Jangan Lupa Bahagia, Stay Strong and Be Healthy”

Semoga kesuksesan dan kesehatan selalu ada pada diri kita para pejuang prestasi dimanapun berada. Tentu semangat prestasi dan kesehatan masih terjaga bukan?

Nah untuk itu harus selalu semangat berkarya yak!

Walaupun masih harus tetap jaga Prokes, namun prestasi harus tetap jalan yak! Hehe seperti biasanya kali ini Mimin akan menginfokan info lomba nie. Kini saatnya giliran buat kalian yang jago menggambar cartoon/kartun, nie gaezz. 


Tepat sekali nie mumpung masih banyak waktu luang juga, kalian bisa sambil mencari ide atau pengalaman yang akan kalian rencanakan untuk diikutkan dalam lomba kali ini. Bertepatan sekali karena lomba yang mimin infokan kali ini adalah [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun Internasional: The 6th Gold Panda International Cartoon And Illustration Competition.


Dan ini Khusus Untuk Kalian nie gaezz:

[Update] Info Lomba Nasional-Internasional 2022/2023


Follow juga ig @lombainternasional.info untuk selalu mendapatkan Update info lomba Gratis Bergengsi dan Quotes Motivasi Prestasi setiap hari.


Sudah gak sabar bukan?

Nah, simak aja petunjuknya berikut ini:



The Theme The 6th Gold Panda International Cartoon And Illustration Competition is:


A) RABBIT (Chinese zodiac)


C) Panda  / Free theme


You can choose any theme



The competition is open to all artists (Picture book artist,Illustrator, Cartoonist, Comic artist, Caricaturist, Animator, sculptor, installation artist, designer,Printmaker and Painter) regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc:



1) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.

2) Produced using any technique, including computer graphics.

3) The maximum 12 entries should be submitted for each category.Work is only allowed in Chinese or English. Words can't appear in works. If you need to writing, must be in English(or Chinese), writing the other a piece of paper .English(or Chinese) words according to the serial number order of works to write clearly.

4) The works should be accompanied by the author's resume and photo (or caricature).

5) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the Entry form.   Please specify in Email: “6TH Gold Panda”

6) Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, Print making, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Watercolor, Animation,Video,Crafts art or sculpture will be accepted.

7) Size of work : A3 297mm X 420mm.



1) The jury is composed of experts invited by the organizing committee.

2) The jury meeting will be held on February, 2023.

3) The committee will announce the result on May, 2023 on web site. At the same time organizer will contact the winning artists via email.



Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries. The committee has the right to use all the submitted works to spread competition on media, websites, posters, post cards, advertisements, etc.



The authors whose works has been selected will receive one copy of the catalogDigital made for the  competition



1) The submitted works will not be returned. They will be exhibited and displayed in  International Museum of Humorous Art.

2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.


The prizes:

The Prizes of The 6th Gold Panda International Cartoon And Illustration Competition is:


1) Gold Panda prize1:   CatalogDigital + CertificateDigital

2) Silver Panda prize2:    CatalogDigital + CertificateDigital

3) Copper Panda prize3:    CatalogDigital + CertificateDigital

4) Selected prize60:    CatalogDigital + CertificateDigital



The self made entry form is accepted.Each author must enclose the entry form, filled in every part and duly signed.


The registration form  – must be sent back signed and scanned, together with the caricatures to : hongtuart8@163.com   (or hongtucp@163.com )


1 of  February 2023.



So, segera persiapkan karya terbaikmu yakkk!


“Teruslah Berkreasi, Berinovasi dan Berprestasi untuk Menginspirasi.” --- Mimin




Laman www.lombainternasional.info sendiri bukanlah penyelenggara dalam kegiatan ini, namun hanya bersifat menginformasikan event. Untuk mendapatkan informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan ini silakan pelajari dari sumber dan web resmi penyelenggara.


Untuk registrasi dan info lebih lengkapnya silakan kunjungi link berikut:



 Yuppp, semangat berprestasi ya, semoga keberuntungan ada pada kita semua.


Hehe yang wajib sebagai penutup Mimin, ingat selalu pantau terus web  www.lombainternasional.info dan ig @lombainternasional.info ya gaezz untuk selalu mendapatkan tips, motivasi dan up date informasi seputar beasiswa, kompetisi lokal - internasional terkini serta motivasi prestasi. Tentu jangan lupa pula share keteman-teman kalian yak, agar mereka juga lebih semangat lagi untuk selalu berkolaborasi dan berkompetisi demi kemajuan negeri kita tercinta Indonesia. Ok terimakasih atas semua dukungannya, salam sehat dan sukses selalu untuk kita semua!


Demikian [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun Internasional: The 6th Gold Panda International Cartoon And Illustration Competition kami sampaikan semoga bermanfaat.


Tag: menggambar, lombamenggambarkartun, cartoonfestival, lombamenggambar, lombamenggambargratis, lombamanga, lombakomik, lombamenggambaranime, lombaanime, lombamenggambarmanga,


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Follow juga ig @lombainternasional.info untuk selalu mendapatkan Update info lomba Gratis Bergengsi dan Quotes Motivasi Prestasi setiap hari.

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