Wednesday, June 7, 2023

[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (The International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK” Niemodlin, Poland 2023)
[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (The International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK” Niemodlin, Poland 2023)

[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (The International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK” Niemodlin, Poland 2023)


Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb

“Salam Sehat, Bahagia and Sukses Selalu”

Semoga kesuksesan dan kesehatan selalu ada pada diri kita para pejuang prestasi dimanapun berada. Tentu semangat prestasi dan kesehatan masih terjaga bukan?

Kali ini lomba yang akan mimin infokan adalah [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (The International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK” Niemodlin, Poland 2023)


Dan ini Khusus Untuk Kalian nie gaezz:

[Update] Info Lomba Nasional-Internasional 2023/2024

Follow juga ig untuk selalu mendapatkan Update info lomba Gratis Bergengsi dan Quotes Motivasi Prestasi setiap hari.


Adapun [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (The International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK” Niemodlin, Poland 2023) ini adalah:


Fish, fishermen and everything related to the subject.


Ketentuan Peserta:

The Participants of the Competition may be natural persons, of legal age, with full legal capacity regardless of their place of residence.


Ketentuan Karya:

Karya orisinil peserta sesuai tema, dan tidak terkait dengan pihak manapun, bernilai positif dan tidak mengandung unsur SARA, Pornografi, Kekerasan berlebih dan tidak melanggar hukum.

1. Submitting entry of participation in the competition consists of sending to the Organizer an original version of a freehand drawing on the subject of fish, fishermen, fishing in nets, etc., meeting the conditions set out in these Regulations.

2. Drawings in sizes not exceeding A3 format are taking part in the Competition.

3. Each participant of the Competition is entitled to present a maximum 2 works.

4. Each of the entries submitted should be described on the reverse in the following manner: the date of completing the work, the author’s full name and address, contact details such as the telephone number or the e-mail address.

5. Providing personal data referred to in paragraph 4, is voluntary, but necessary to conduct the Competition. Their submission is tantamount to consenting to the processing of these data, and failure to provide the data in question will consequently exclude the participant and the works sent by him from the Competition.

6. The submitted work must be authored by the Participant. By accepting the Regulations, the Participant declares that he is the author of the work submitted to the Competition and that he has unlimited proprietary copyrights and dependent rights to use and dispose of the submitted work.

7. Works submitted for participation in the Competition which will not comply with the terms and conditions set out in these Regulations shall not be included in the Competition.


Adapun detail ketentuan karya silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah sumber utama di akhir artikel ini.




30 September 2023.



Hadiah dan Penghargaan:

Adapun Hadiah dan penghargaan [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (The International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK” Niemodlin, Poland 2023) ini adalah:

1. The prizes of the Competition are as follows:

1) Grand Prix – PLN 2,800 gross

2) Three main prizes – PLN 1,150 gross each

2. The organizer may grant additional prizes or distinctions in any form or amount he chooses.

3. The competition prize will be issued only in the form specified in the Regulations, without the possibility of exchange for another prize in kind.

4. The main prize may be handed over at the Organizer’s headquarters after prior notification of the competition winner during the prize giving gala or it may be sent by post to the winner’s home address or bank account.

5. In case the Participant fails to collect the award in person, it shall be sent by post to the winner’s address.

6. In the case referred to in the paragraph 5 above, the winner of the competition shall pay the prize shipping cost. The shipping cost will be deducted from the prize received.



So, segera persiapkan karya terbaikmu yakkk!


“Teruslah Berkreasi, Berinovasi dan Berprestasi untuk Menginspirasi.” --- Mimin



Laman sendiri bukanlah penyelenggara dalam kegiatan ini, namun hanya bersifat menginformasikan event. Untuk mendapatkan informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan ini silakan pelajari dari sumber dan web resmi penyelenggara.

Untuk registrasi dan info lebih lengkapnya silakan kunjungi link berikut:


Yuppp, semangat berprestasi ya, semoga keberuntungan ada pada kita semua.


Demikian [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (The International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK” Niemodlin, Poland 2023)  mimin sampaikan semoga bermanfaat.



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Follow juga ig untuk selalu mendapatkan Update info lomba Gratis Bergengsi dan Quotes Motivasi Prestasi setiap hari.

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